I made this Donation Drive Campaign last March 26, 2011. Quite a long run eh? Honestly, I had only saved up to Php 1000 (roughly US $20). My Malaysian friend, also a co-admin, is willing to donate also.
Maybe a lot of you is wondering what is this all about. Then, let me re-post my FB note about it. For any clarifications, suggestions and negative reactions, feel free to send me a message via Yahoo Mail (wat_wataholics@yahoo.com), via
Facebook Fan Page and/or via my personal
Facebook Account .
first NOTE was entitled:
One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World...

I am calling every one of you. We need to lend our strength and help to our brothers and sisters living in Japan. I am planning to take actions to show our LOVE for Japan. But to make this into action, I need your cooperation. Please READ BY HEART my preposition below.
Monetary donation is the fastest way to help, but the problem is, not all of us can afford to give a large amount. Take for an instance the American Red Cross. The minimum donation amount is US $10. If it will be converted to PhP, it will cost almost PhP450. That amount of money, for me, is already big! It will take 1 month for me to save that kind amount of money from my allowance. So, rather stressing ourselves on saving that kind of amount of money, we suggest a "Per-Group-Donation" style. What is a Per-Group-Donation style? First, we need VOLUNTARY REPRESENTATIVES in every COUNTRY. YES!!! In every country. That representative will be the one who will collect the donated money. You can donate whatever amount you want. And for everybody's convenience, you can donate with your own currency. For example, here in the Philippines, those who wants to donate, can give any amount of money even if it is less than Php450 [US $10]. A clearer example is,
ME gives an amount of Php100, then 5 WaTAHOLICS give Php150, Php100, Php200, Php100, Php150 respectively. All in all, the money on hand is Php 800 [Php100 + Php150 + Php100 + Php200 + Php100 + Php150]. Afterwards, I will exchange it to US $, making it roughly as US $17.77. See?? We got past the minimum donation amount. What is great is that, it is bigger than US $10 and we have other person help Japan. ^^
Maybe, some Filipino WaTAHOLIC will ask, "How can we send it? Especially if it is less than Php500." The bank also has a minimum deposit charge right?? So, I encourage everyone. If you are just 5 meters or 2 kilometers away from one another, you can do meet ups..^^ Same in other countries. I know some of you know one another. Or if you can, you can ask from your classmates. Give some Coins-Campaign for Japan. Big money starts at small ones, right??
So simple ne??? If you really wanna help, you can think of any ideas in order to help out! All I pray is that, most of us, ALL of us will HELP on this campaign. Sending gifts for WaT, spending money to buy STUFFS for WaT... Any single doubt or regret never came across my mind. I even included your greetings right??? *laughs* So, I thought of, instead giving them alone, why not use it for a better cause?? For sure, WaT will be much much more happy if we use our money for the most in need. Don't you think so too??? ^^ But of course!!! I won't let this chance to slip away in order to show our LOVE for WaT!!! Aside from giving voluntary donations, I ask everyone (those who will donate) to send your short message or signature or photo or video of support to your country representative. Each country representative will collect them and send it to me through mail scans. Including the proof of donated money. Please make it short, brief and encouraging. Include "Ganbare Nippon" too.
Ganbare Nippon! We Pray for you! ♥ Kamiiru of Philippines!!!

We will make a video out of it. With that, we just don't tell the world how we love WaT, how we support Japan, but also, to show the WORLD that the WORLD still cares. Everyone taking action. Everyone giving donation. Everyone supporting one another. Everyone showing love to one another is a great step to start LIVING ONE WITH THE WORLD!!! No one is an island! That is why the world consists of many islands. Quantity is nothing compared to QUALITY. We are not just merely going to give money. We are gonna start QUALITY LIVING AND LOVING WITH THE WORLD! ALL OF US! One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World!!!

For those who are willing to show your support for this campaign [One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World..] please search for me in FB Kamiiru Lim, send me a mail with a subject of [One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World] and with a message of your NAME, COUNTRY, and AGE.
We need to finalize the REPRESENTATIVES on or before the first week of April. We need to act fast. A lot of our brothers and sisters awaits for our help. So please. Give a heart, not a mind. Hontoni arigato gozaimasu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! *bows*

Please continue to pray for Japan and for all of us. Prayer is still our best weapon.
second NOTE goes like this:
In lined with One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World... note, we will start to ask PH WaTaholics to help us in our campaign.
ALAS!!! I had secured my MOBILE NUMBER with G-cash. It is an electronic generated form of sending money via SMS (for those who have G-cash) and/or thru paying with duly completed form in your nearest Globe outlets.
To send your DONATION, please follow the simple steps below.
For Globe/TM Subscribers
- Type AMOUNT space 4-digit PIN and send to: 2882+10-digit cellphone number of the recipient.
Via Globe Sim Service:- Look for Gcash.
- Select SEND Gcash.
- Enter AMOUNT.
- Enter Gcash PIN.
- Enter MESSAGE for the recipient (though this is optional, I encourage everyone to include a short message for Japan. )
- Enter recipient's mobile number.
- Confirm transaction (please do not delete it for a while).
(Note that a charge of Php2.50 will apply.)

For Non-Globe/TM Subscribers
- Go to your nearest Globe outlet
- Ask and fill up the G-Cash form with the recipient's G-Cash number, full name and full address.
- Present 1 valid ID and give the money to G-Cash cashier. There might be a charge for every transaction. Php10, I guess.
A sample G-cash Form. Follow the boxes with checks, and fill up the data needed.

My PERSONAL Details.

To REGISTER to G-cash, please follow the simple steps HERE.
Sometimes, an error will occur. So instead typing your MIDDLE NAME, input your BIRTH YEAR.
For those who had did the transaction, please fill this FORM up..
Please feel free to ask me, directly thru my mobile phone because I am busy with my hospital duties, or thru in FB..
I hope, everyone will participate. In early MAY, I will start to make OUR VIDEO. So please SEND in your SUPPORT MESSAGE for JAPAN.. Send it through wat_wataholics@yahoo.com with GANBARE NIPPON as the subject title..
Please support us as we held hands to help JAPAN from their endeavors. Showing that Genuine Love still lives among us, and it is REAL. Arigato Gozaimasu!
third NOTE emphasizes the first two notes, with the help of my Malaysian friend, also my co-admin, Edyh. It states:
Equivalence with Admin Kamiiru‘s One with WaT... One with Japan... One with the World... note, with an earnest heart, we would like to ask all WaTAHOLICS to help us to drive this campaign.
Minna, now our brother and sister in Japan suffer a lot of turmoil due to the Earthquake and Tsunami that occur on March 11, 2011. Even though it’s already a month ago, but the intricacy still exist and they really need our help to recover. Just imagine if this happen to ourselves, or even our family and friends. Let’s all go hand in hand to help them.
"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand."
-Emily Kimbrough-
Thus, for those OPEN HEARTED WaTAHOLICS and would like to do some donation can Private Message Kamiiru, state your name, age and country.
For those PUREST HEART FILIPINO WaTAHOLICS can do your donation by following this note NIPPON HAJIME! with WaT and WaTAHOLICS.
Hence, to the MALAYSIAN WaTAHOLICS who I know are GENEROUS AND KIND HEARTED, the donation can be made via the following modes:
- Money transfer through Maybank’s Cash Deposit Machine
- Funds transfer through Maybank’s ATM
- MEPS Interbank fund transfer via any bank ATM
- Internet banking (Any Bank)
- Cash money order
- Cheque
For the Malaysian who willing to donate or have any enquiries don’t hesitate do to Private Message me at Edyh Damfnda or email me at edyh_cg@yahoo.com
p/s: For the security purposes, I not reveal my Maybank’s Acc No. and my contact no. here. I’ll privately message to the donator only.
We don’t ask for a lot of money, just any amount that you can afford and willing to contribute. Even a little, but the meaning is huge to us and to all the Japanese.
"An upper hand is better than the lower hand."
With the conjunction of this drive campaign, we also are planning to make a GANBARE NIPPON VIDEO. So, feel free to send your SUPPORT MESSAGE to JAPAN either in a CREATIVE MESSAGE or PICTURE. Send it at wat_wataholics@yahoo.com with GANBARE NIPPON as the subject title.
In an empathetic heart, we really hope you all can support our campaign and make it successful. Nothing much we can give as a return, just will appreciate with thanks for your kindness and generous heart and only God will pay for what you’ve done.
"Every good deed counts."
Arigato Gozaimasu!

With TIME constraints, and fully loaded hospital duty schedules, I would be hanging up and will bet until the
last week of May. I am praying that some of you would give and would be touched of
how Wentz and Teppei worked the best out of their best just to support the victims of Tohoku, Japan e-quake and tsunami.
Please, please, please.. Be one with us. Your money and effort won't be wasted. You can visit our
Facebook Fan Page for proofs of what we did just to show our
LOVE for WaT. Now, we are
channeling our "WaT Love" to the victims in Japan.
They lost almost everything.
Let us not wait for them to lose their HOPE.
NIPPON FIGHT-OH!!!ーAdmin カミイルー